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9th European Conference on Space Debris


Please note: This is the first draft of the programme. The exact times of sessions and presentations are subject to change, and additional updates may still be made.


All times given are CEST (Berlin/Brussels time zone)

Tuesday, April 01

09:30 - 10:00

Plenary Talks

Time frame: 09:30 - 10:10
Room: Hall

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30

Space Surveillance Radar 1 (detections)

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

Economics Legal and Policy - Economics and Governance

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

13:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:30

Re-entry Risks - Models

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

Space Traffic Coordination Models

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 17:00

Lunar Space Debris Issues

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha

Active Debris Removal - Design

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta

17:00 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 18:30

18:30 - 19:00


Time frame: 18:30 - 18:30
Room: Hall

19:00 - 19:30

Wednesday, April 02

08:30 - 09:00

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 1 (detections)

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha

Modelling Space Debris and Traffic Environment

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha

09:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30

Impact Risks - Hyper Velocity Impacts

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

Space Surveillance Radar 2 (techniques)

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

13:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:30

Environment Capacity

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

Astrodynamics Uncertainties

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 17:00

Active Debris Removal - Forward looking

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha

Space Traffic Coordination Systems

Time frame: 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta

17:00 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 18:30

Thursday, April 03

08:30 - 09:00

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 2 (techniques)

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha

Impact Risks - Models

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta

09:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30

Space Surveillance Active Optical

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

Economics Legal and Policy - Initiatives

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

13:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:30

Astrodynamics Algorithms

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

End of Life Methods

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Friday, April 04

08:30 - 09:00

Modelling Orbital Environment

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta

Re-entry Risks - Observations

Time frame: 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta

09:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30

Space Debris Missions and Products

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 3 (performance)

Time frame: 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:00

13:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:30

Attitude Dynamics

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha

Space Traffic Coordination Collision Avoidance

Time frame: 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Plenary Talks

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 09:30 - 10:10
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

09:30 - 09:50

Evolution of the Sub-Catalogue Space Debris Population in High-altitude Orbital Regions Based on Optical Survey Data

Thomas Schildknecht, University of Bern, Astronomical Institute

09:50 - 10:10

Modelling the dynamics of the space debris environment

Alessandro Rossi, IFAC-CNR

Space Surveillance Radar 1 (detections)

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

Monitoring the Small Debris Environment with Ground-based Radar: An Assessment of Data from 2016-2023

Alyssa Manis, NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

11:18 - 11:36

Tracking space debris using radar observations campaigns held in July and August 2024

Liliana Macotela, Norwegian Research Centre

11:36 - 11:54

Cheia Tracking Radar, measurement results and lessons learned

Liviu Ionescu, Rartel SA

11:54 - 12:12

Radial velocity ambiguity resolution for the pulsed space surveillance radar GESTRA

Simon Kollecker, Fraunhofer FHR

12:12 - 12:30

Observation of the fragmentation cloud of the Intelsat 33e breakup with the space observation radar TIRA

Delphine Cerutti-maori, Fraunhofer FHR

Economics Legal and Policy - Economics and Governance

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

The Cologne Manual on the International Law of Space Traffic Management

Jacqueline Reichhold, University of Cologne

11:18 - 11:36

Legal proposals for Debris Recycling and Disposal Solutions to improve space resources management and sustainability

Anthi Koskina, National Observatory of Athens

11:36 - 11:54

Understanding the effect of fiscal interventions on the future space debris environment

Indigo Brownhall, University College London (UCL)

11:54 - 12:12

UK Space Agency reporting of the Space Environment Sustainability Assessment (SESA) study outcomes

Jennifer Barry, UK Space Agency

12:12 - 12:30

Foundations for a Debris Offset Market to Fund Remediation

Matthew Wills, Sustain Space Ltd

Re-entry Risks - Models

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Computation of the Impact Zone for Controlled Atmospheric Re-Entries with ELECTRA

Rafael Martínez Vázquez, GMV

14:18 - 14:36

Surrogate model to predict the stagnation point wall heat flux during composite material degradation

Maxime Lalande, ONERA

14:36 - 14:54

Casualty risk assessment of uncontrolled reentries after the deployment of the first large satellite constellations

Carmen Pardini, ISTI-CNR

14:54 - 15:12

Comparison of CNES, ESA, JAXA, & NASA Reentry Analysis Tools – Phase I - Model Descriptions & Component Survivability

Chris Ostrom, NASA

15:12 - 15:30

Review of 30 Years of SCARAB Re-entry Break-up Analysis

Patrik Kärräng, Hyperschall Technologie Göttingen GmbH

15:30 - 15:48

Objectives and Achievements of the Space Debris Mitigation Project TEMIS-DEBRIS

Ali Gülhan, DLR

15:48 - 16:06

Bringing SALSA Home: CLUSTER-II-2 Re-entry Strategy.

Silvia Sanvido, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH at ESA/ESOC Space Debris Office

Space Traffic Coordination Models

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

A Statistical and Parametric Analysis of the Effectiveness of Differential Drag for Collision Avoidance Manoeuvres

Daniele Bella, Seconded to UKSA from ESA; now IMS Space Consultancy GmbH

14:18 - 14:36

Algorithms for robust tracking of manoeuvring space objects in catalogue maintenance

Alejandro Pastor, GMV

14:36 - 14:54

A Modular and Scalable Collision Avoidance System for Enhanced Satellite Autonomy

Tiago Oliveira, GMV

14:54 - 15:12

Collaborative Validation of SAFE: Reducing False Positives and Enhancing Accuracy of Conjunction Data Messages

Davide Costigliola, Ecosmic

15:12 - 15:30

Statistical Inference on the Miss Distance Compared to Collision Probability for Conjunction Analysis

Soumaya Elkantassi , Université de Lausanne

15:30 - 15:48

Probability of Collision in Nonlinear Dynamics by Moment Propagation

Théo Verhelst, Advanced Concepts Team, European Space Agency

15:48 - 16:06

Characterizing Data Quality for Enhancing Orbital Debris Visualization Pipelines

Unmil Karadkar, University of Graz

Lunar Space Debris Issues

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

SSA Performance Assessment of Cislunar Periodic Orbits for Fragmentation Events Monitoring

Paola Grattagliano, Politecnico di Milano

16:48 - 17:06

Operational Experiences of Collision Avoidance for Chandrayaan-2 in Lunar Orbit

Ivanshu Mehta, Indian Space Research Organisation

17:06 - 17:24

Beyond GEO: Strategies for monitoring cislunar environment

Jonko Paetzold, GMV

17:24 - 17:42

Cislunar Space Domain Awareness using the Generalized Equinoctial Orbital Elements

Maaninee Gupta, Texas A&M University

17:42 - 18:00

Characterization of Consequences of Fragmentation Events involving Nuclear-Powered Spacecraft in the Cislunar Region

Carolin Frueh, Purdue University

Active Debris Removal - Design

Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

On the Topic of Time Sensitive Recursive Optimization of an Underactuated Docking Maneuver

Anthony Aborizk, University of Florida Department of MAE

16:48 - 17:06


Adam Kall, Kall Morris Inc

17:06 - 17:24

Comparative Analysis of Simulated and Real-World Infrared Images of Space Debris for Active Debris Removal Missions

Naoki Okada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

17:24 - 17:42

“Filling the toolbox while defining the job” Product management at ClearSpace

Kees Van Der Pols, ClearSpace SA

17:42 - 18:00

Factors Affecting Feasibility of Disposal as a Service

Stanley Smeltzer, Northrop Grumman


Time frame: Tuesday, April 01 18:30 - 18:30
Room: Hall
Type of presentation: Oral session

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 1 (detections)

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48


Oleksandr Kozhukhov, National Space Facilities Control and Test Center

08:48 - 09:06

Presenting BACARDI’s sub-catalogue of drifting objects close to the geostationary ring

Johannes Herzog, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

09:06 - 09:24

First Light Curve Observations from GSOC-operated SMARTnet Telescope Stations with an sCMOS Camera

Yonathan Ascanio Hecker, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)

09:24 - 09:42

Detection and Characterization of Space Debris Using VST/OmegaCAM Archival Data

Elisabeth Rachith, EPFL

09:42 - 10:00

Photometric Composite Fingerprints for Resident Space Objects

Moritz Kuhn, Airbus Defence and Space

10:00 - 10:18

European Optical Network – orbit determination of resident space objects

Cezary Migaszewski, Sybilla Technologies

10:18 - 10:36

Monitoring of objects approaching re-entry using data from global network of passive optical sensors

Mikołaj Krużyński, Polish Space Agency

Modelling Space Debris and Traffic Environment

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

Statistically Consistent Synthetic Covariance to Quantify Operational Uncertainty

Guillermo Escribano , Northstar Earth and Space

08:48 - 09:06

ORDEM 4.0: NASA’s Orbital Debris Engineering Model - A Status

Mark Matney, NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

09:06 - 09:24

The Debris Mitigation Facility: Developments, Conclusions, Use Cases and Way Forward

Vitali Braun, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH

09:24 - 09:42

Improving MASTER Model Accuracy Through Strategic Sensor Campaign Design

André Horstmann, ESA

09:42 - 10:00

Status of the space environment: towards Zero Debris through orbital clearance

Emma Stevenson, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH at ESA

10:00 - 10:18

Assessment of Orbit Determination Accuracy of Radar Networks

Martin Käske, Fraunhofer FHR

10:18 - 10:36

The study of a debris cloud risk assessment in geosynchronous orbit

Ryusuke Harada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Impact Risks - Hyper Velocity Impacts

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

On the Effect of Impactor Shape on CFRP Spacecraft Structures

Martin Schimmerohn, Fraunhofer EMI

11:18 - 11:36

Sierra Space’s Flexible Multi-Shock Shield – Performance and Insights

Gerard D. Valle, Sierra Space

11:36 - 11:54

Rupture prediction for spacecraft pressurized titanium tanks

Robin Putzar, Fraunhofer EMI

11:54 - 12:12

Hypervelocity impact response of Ti-6Al-4V plates mounted on cylinders

Kumi Nitta, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

12:12 - 12:30

DebriSat Updates via NASA’s SSBM and DOD’s IMPACT Breakup Models

Heather Cowardin, NASA JSC

Space Surveillance Radar 2 (techniques)

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

A novel method for radar initial orbit determination from angular track and Doppler shift measurements

Marco Felice Montaruli, Politecnico di Milano

11:18 - 11:36

Stacking Radar Search Fences for Increased Range in Space Situational Awareness

Hans Schily, Fraunhofer FKIE

11:36 - 11:54

Resolving Multimodal Angular Measurements in Coherent Radar Networks using Bayesian Estimation

Isabel Schlangen, Fraunhofer FKIE

11:54 - 12:12

An Ambiguity Function Synthesis Approach to Designing Orthogonal Waveforms for Space Surveillance

Giorgio D. Magalhães, Fraunhofer FHR

12:12 - 12:30

Modeling a Multi-Sensor Radar Network over Indian Region for Space Situational Awareness– Preliminary Studies

Sravan Kumar Venepally, ISTRAC ISRO

Environment Capacity

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Development of a Software Architecture for Comparing Existing Orbital Carrying Capacity Models

Lorenzo Giudici, Telesat

14:18 - 14:36

Critical number of spacecraft in low Earth orbit: a new assessment of the stability of the orbital debris environment

Hugh Lewis, University of Southampton

14:36 - 14:54

Examination of Uncontrolled Mass Per Year as an Environmental Index

Dominick Bologna, The Aerospace Corporation

14:54 - 15:12

Formulating the Space Footprint: A Model for Quantifying Space Sustainability

Gurpreet Singh, University of Waterloo

15:12 - 15:30

Surveying the Capacity Metric Design Space and A Method for Assessing Capacity Index Heuristics

Miles T. Lifson, The Aerospace Corporation

15:30 - 15:48

Extension of the ESA tool for Tracking the Health of the Environment and Missions in Space

Camilla Colombo, Politecnico di Milano

15:48 - 16:06

EMISSARY – Environmental Management Initiative for Space Sustainability through Adaptive Regulatory Policy

Megan E. Perks, University of Southampton

Astrodynamics Uncertainties

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Approximating Orbit Uncertainties of Catalog Objects using Neural Networks

Matthew Popplewell, Advanced Space, LLC

14:18 - 14:36

Prediction improvements of SGP4-XP

Timothy Payne , USSF Space Operations Command

14:36 - 14:54

Investigating the Application of the Orbit Domain Calibration Method in Sun Synchronous Orbits

Santosh Bhattarai, University College London

14:54 - 15:12

Methods for Robust Propagation and Improved Covariance Realism in LEO

Piyush Mehta, West Virginia University

15:12 - 15:30

Adaptive Bayesian Inference for Space Object Tracking

Kyle Demars, Texas A&M University

15:30 - 15:48

From Space Weather to Orbits: An Uncertainty-Aware Framework for Predicting Satellite Trajectories

Sergio Sanchez - Hurtado, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

15:48 - 16:06

Using Spacebook and Cesium to promote and enhance flight safety

Daniel L. Oltrogge, COMSPOC Corporation

Active Debris Removal - Forward looking

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

Characterizing Field Emission in Electrostatic Tractor Operations for Geosynchronous Orbit Debris Removal

Ethan Weber, University of Colorado Boulder

16:48 - 17:06

Advancing ESA’s Vision for Sustainable Space Operations: Design for Removal and In-Orbit Servicing Initiatives

Marco Papa, European Space Agency

17:06 - 17:24

ADRIOS ClearSpace-1: In orbit demonstration of the removal of a non-cooperative spacecraft

Svenja Woicke , OHB System AG

17:24 - 17:42

Advancing Active Debris Removal: Achievements and Prospects in the Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration Project

Toru Yamamoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

17:42 - 18:00

Commercializing Space Debris Removal and In-Orbit Servicing: Leveraging Existing Mechanisms for Financial Viability

Sergey Gugkaev, StarTrail

Space Traffic Coordination Systems

Time frame: Wednesday, April 02 16:30 - 18:00
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

16:30 - 16:48

A Holistic Approach for Deciding on and Designing Collision Avoidance Maneuvers.

Shrouti Dutta, Northstar Earth and Space

16:48 - 17:06

Assessing STM System Resilience in case of Fragmentation Events using MASSATS Digital Twin Technology

Guido Bartsch, Institute of Technology and Computer Science / THM

17:06 - 17:24

Conjunctions in the RF Spectrum: Results from an RF Measurement Campaign of LEO Objects

Valentin Eder, Space Analyses GmbH

17:24 - 17:42

Understanding the impact of satellites on radio astronomy observations

Mike Peel, Imperial College London

17:42 - 18:00

Supporting the Community Approach by hosting a Collaborative Development Platform for the SST Core Software

Hélène Ma, Starion for ESA

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 2 (techniques)

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

Synthetic Tracking in SST and NEO searches

Paweł Białobłocki, ITTI Sp. o.o.

08:48 - 09:06

Detection and Analysis Techniques for Optical Telescope Data and Machine Learning Applications

Corbin L. Cruz, Amentum Services, Inc.

09:06 - 09:24

Observation Criteria Trade-off for GEO Debris Cataloguing

Daniel Gil Calvo, Deimos Space S.L.U.

09:24 - 09:42

Dynamic Space Object Detection with Neuromorphic Vision Sensors

Yusra Alkendi, Technology Innovation Institute

09:42 - 10:00

A high-level motion control scheme for satellite tracking using optical feedback

Silas Fiore, Astronomical Institute University of Bern

10:00 - 10:18

Leveraging light-curve inversion for kinematic state estimation of uncooperative targets

Francesco Renis, Politecnico di Torino

10:18 - 10:36

Predicting CLUSTER-II-FM6 re-entry with passive optical observations

Matteo Losacco, IMS Space Consultancy GmbH at ESA/ESOC Space Debris Office

Impact Risks - Models

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

A method to refine fragments distributions with impact geometry analysis

Pietro Tasso, "CISAS", University of Padua

08:48 - 09:06

2025 Current status of debris protection design standard at JAXA

Kumi Nitta, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

09:06 - 09:24

Development of a Coupled Finite Element-Discrete Element Code for Simulating Satellite Breakups

Erkai Watson, Fraunhofer EMI

09:24 - 09:42

Numerical analysis modeling for quantitative prediction of ejecta dispersal behavior due to hyper-velocity impact

Sho Kajihara, Meiji University

09:42 - 10:00

MMOD Risk to the International Space Station and its Sensitivity to Particle Size

James L. Hyde, Amentum/NASA-JSC

10:00 - 10:18

Long-duration Experiments Assessing Atomic Oxygen Effects on Thin Polyimides

Heather M. Cowardin, NASA Johnson Space Center, Orbital Debris Program Office

10:18 - 10:36

Observing the Unseen: sub-cm space debris insights from European Space Agency’s past and ongoing missions

Xanthi Oikonomidou, GMV@ESA

Space Surveillance Active Optical

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

ESA’s Debris Tracking Laser Network

Diego Escobar, GMV

11:18 - 11:36

Multistatic laser ranging simulations for improved orbit determination of space debris

Pascal Sauer, Astronomical Institute University of Bern

11:36 - 11:54

Towards an Engineering Station for performing space-debris mitigation by means of high-power laser radiation

Jens Rodmann, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

11:54 - 12:12

Space Object Attitude Estimation using simultaneous Satellite Laser Ranging Simulations

Sebastian Schneider, Austrian Academy of Sciences - Space Research Institute

12:12 - 12:30

Space Debris Laser Ranging: Moving from experiments to operation

André Kloth, DiGOS Potsdam GmbH

Economics Legal and Policy - Initiatives

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

The IAU CPS: How to protect the Dark and Quiet Sky?

Siegfried Eggl, IAU CPS

11:18 - 11:36

Lesson learnt from the first 18 months of ESA’s new Space Debris Mitigation Policy

Francesca Letizia, European Space Agency (ESA)

11:36 - 11:54

The Importance of Dark and Quiet Skies in Swiss Astronomy and the dialog with the space industry

Emmanuelle David, EPFL

11:54 - 12:12

Holistic Space Operations Framework

Darren S. Mcknight, LEOLABS

12:12 - 12:30

Debris Free Space Mission Initiative

Bulbul Mukherjee, Indian Space Research Organisation

Astrodynamics Algorithms

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Improving Metrics for Satellite Anomaly Detection: A Comparative Analysis of Curvilinear State Representations

Jose Manuel M. García, Universidad de Sevilla

14:18 - 14:36

Improvements to SST Core Software: Advanced Software Engineering Practices and Integration of Track-to-Track Algorithm

Diego Ramírez Rodríguez, GMV

14:36 - 14:54

On the Arnold diffusion mechanism in MEO

Elisa Maria Alessi, IMATI-CNR

14:54 - 15:12

Monte Carlo Variation of Solar Flux Profiles and Disposal Lifetime Compliance for Geosynchronous Transfer Orbits

Juan C. Maldonado, The Aerospace Corporation

15:12 - 15:30

Addressing Space Debris-NEO Ambiguity: A Solution Through the ArtSat Information Provision Service (ASIPS)

Francisco Pallarés Chamorro, Deimos Space

15:30 - 15:48

Fast and accurate computation of the minimum distance between RSOs trajectories

Ana S. Rivero, Universidad de Sevilla

15:48 - 16:06

Model-driven assessment of space weather impact levels on the trajectory of floating debris in low Earth Orbit

Victor U. Nwankwo, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

End of Life Methods

Time frame: Thursday, April 03 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Galileo Constellation End-of-Life Disposal: Orbit Strategy and Application to First Satellite Decommissioning

Lukas Steindorf, European Space Agency - ESTEC

14:18 - 14:36

Design and Analysis of Autonomous Low Thrust Assisted Natural Reentry for Low Earth Orbits

Damien Courteville, ISAE-SUPAERO

14:36 - 14:54

Verification and Demonstration Results of ADEO Drag Sail Subsystems

Dorottya Milánkovich, HPS GmbH

14:54 - 15:12

Spin modulation for deorbiting with electrodynamic tethers

Giovanni Anese, CISAS "G. Colombo", University of Padova

15:12 - 15:30

Using the useless: Laser propulsion unit for post-mission disposal using a launch adapter as propellant material

Florian Scholl, SpaceTech GmbH (1); University of Stuttgart (3)

15:30 - 15:48

Detumbler showdown: preparing ADR by comparing the mass penalty of 7 candidate solutions for passive detumbling

Kristen Lagadec, Airbus Defence & Space

15:48 - 16:06

Developments in ISISPACE CubeSat architectures due to Space Debris Mitigation requirements

Lisa De Backer, ISISPACE

Modelling Orbital Environment

Time frame: Friday, April 04 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

A space environment health situation report

Hugh Lewis, University of Southampton

08:48 - 09:06

Analysis of space environment factors impacting non-deorbited launchers’ orbital lifetimes

Mélissa Zemoura, CNES

09:06 - 09:24

Analysis and modelling of fragments A/m distributions from in-orbit collisions

Lorenzo Olivieri, DII/CISAS, University of Padova

09:24 - 09:42

Orbital debris in low Earth orbit: How the situation has changed since the advent of mega-constellations

Carmen Pardini, ISTI-CNR

09:42 - 10:00

An Update of the Top 50 List

Darren S. Mcknight, LEOLABS

10:00 - 10:18

Characterisation of fragmentation clouds and fragmentation event reconstruction for space break-up forensics

Francesca Ottoboni, Politecnico di Milano

10:18 - 10:36

Orbital Debris and Space Situational Awareness Activities in NASA’s Heliophysics Division

Alex Fletcher, NASA

Re-entry Risks - Observations

Time frame: Friday, April 04 08:30 - 10:36
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

08:30 - 08:48

Airborne Observation of the CYGNUS NG-20 Re-Entry

David Leiser, HEFDiG, IRS, University of Stuttgart

08:48 - 09:06

DRACO scientific return concept: determining the truth of satellite demise

Beatriz Jilete, GMV for ESA

09:06 - 09:24

An Overview of ESA's Design for Demise Initiative

Marco Papa, European Space Agency

09:24 - 09:42

Re-entry Observation Setup and International Execution (ROSIE) mission

Jiří Šilha, Astros Solutions s.r.o.

09:42 - 10:00

An accident waiting to happen? Expected evolution of ground hazards due to space debris reentry

Andrew Monham, EUMETSAT

10:00 - 10:18

3D Printed and Self Activating Hybrid Demisable Joint Design for Large Satellite Platforms

Isil Sakraker Ozmen, DLR

10:18 - 10:36

Advanced Demisable Technologies for Satellite Structures: Hybrid Demisable Joints and PVD-Based Coatings

Jasmin Theobald, DLR

Space Debris Missions and Products

Time frame: Friday, April 04 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

Mission Analysis of Detecting Debris with a Near-infrared Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite

Seiga Matsuura, Kyushu University

11:18 - 11:36

Maturing Methods for in situ Debris Strike Detection Using On-Orbit Telemetry

Kristia K. Harris, Northrop Grumman Corporation

11:36 - 11:54

The Multi-layer Acoustic & Conductive-grid Sensor (MACS) Technology Demonstration on HTV-X3

J.-c. Liou, NASA

11:54 - 12:12

Mission Analysis on Small Debris Removal by Space Laser Satellite

Yuki Itaya, Orbial Lasers Co., Ltd.

12:12 - 12:30

Advancing Autonomous Collision Avoidance: The CREAM-IOD Mission for Safe and Sustainable Satellite Operations

Patricia C. Martínez, GMV

SSA-PAS: Space Surveillance Passive Optical 3 (performance)

Time frame: Friday, April 04 11:00 - 12:30
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

11:00 - 11:18

Multi Source Data Correlator Project

Robert Arthur, Neuraspace

11:18 - 11:36

Development and operation of CICLOPS, the Compact Imperial College London OPtical Sensor

Davide Amato, Imperial College London

11:36 - 11:54

Triangulation of Space-based Optical Measurements for Improved Space Surveillance and Tracking

Annarita Argirò, University of Naples Federico II

11:54 - 12:12

Performance assessment of space-based optical networks for debris observation and tracking in LEO

Antonio D'anniballe, Cranfield University

12:12 - 12:30

Wide Field of View Telescope Array Space Object Detection With Artifical Intelligence And Image Restoration


Attitude Dynamics

Time frame: Friday, April 04 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Alpha
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Integrating PSO and UKF for attitude estimation of Resident Space Objects via Light Curves

Pasquale Bencivenga, University of Naples "Federico II"

14:18 - 14:36

Optimal Light Curve Attitude Inversion with Measurement Noise: Two Case Studies

Liam Robinson, Purdue University

14:36 - 14:54

Observational and Simulation-Based Insights into Attitude Dynamics of Large Rocket Debris for Active Debris Removal

Hiroyuki Okamoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

14:54 - 15:12

Long-term Spin State Estimation and Prediction for Defunct GEO Satellites

Conor Benson, University of Colorado Boulder

15:12 - 15:30

Predicting the Time Evolution of Space Debris Spin Period for Active Debris Removal Missions

Nicola Cimmino, University of Bern

15:30 - 15:48

Attitude determination using Satellite Laser Ranging

Pete Bartram, Lumi Space

15:48 - 16:06

Precise attitude estimation of an ADR target object by comprehensive comparisons of observed and CG-based light curves

Hiroshi Oda, JAXA

Space Traffic Coordination Collision Avoidance

Time frame: Friday, April 04 14:00 - 16:06
Room: Beta
Type of presentation: Oral session

14:00 - 14:18

Issues with Satellite Collision Risk Aggregation

Matthew Hejduk, The Aerospace Corporation

14:18 - 14:36

Advancing geometric conjunction filters to handle satellite manoeuvres

Ana S. Rivero, Universidad de Sevilla

14:36 - 14:54

Comparative Analysis of Collision Avoidance Decision-Making Across Organizations

Pavithra Ravi, DLR

14:54 - 15:12

Collision risk assessment during launch and injection phases

Juliette Prézeau, GMV Innovating Solutions

15:12 - 15:30

Collision Avoidance in GEO and MEO: SES’s Approach, Best Practices, Data Sharing, and Space Traffic Cooperation

Davide Menzio, SES

15:30 - 15:48

Debris-cloud collision risk assessment with GSOC Collision Avoidance System

Annarita Trombetta, German Space Operations Center (DLR)

15:48 - 16:06

ESA's collision avoidance system at ESOC – status, recent upgrades and upcoming evolution

Klaus Merz, ESA


Room: Atrium
Type of presentation: Poster session

07:00 - 08:52

Starlink Satellite Classification and Orbit Maneuver Detection

Ronglan Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences

07:00 - 08:52

S3TSR radar performance after the first major upgrade

Jacobo Martínez-villa, Indra

07:00 - 08:52

Feasibility Analysis, LCA and Demisability Tests of Wood-composites as Demisable and Eco-friendly Satellite Structures

Isil Sakraker Özmen, DLR

07:00 - 08:52

Field tests of the generation sCMOS based camera with edge computing capabilities at Creotech Instruments

Paweł Zienkiewicz,

07:00 - 08:52

Shedding Light on Space Debris: Adding Brightness to ESA's MASTER Model

Melina Kübler, TU Darmstadt

07:00 - 08:52

A new look at the Space Debris problem - Reorientation instead of Deorbit.

Ishan S. Dubey, Imperial College London

07:00 - 08:52

Characterization of Earth-Orbiting Objects Using Artificial Intelligence for Photometric Data Analysis

Gabriele Falco, Deimos Space

07:00 - 08:52

Determination of the RSO’s spin axis orientation using photometry data

Oleksandr Kozhukhov, National Space Facilities Control and Test Center

07:00 - 08:52

Sub-10 cm space debris: detection and initial orbit determination with a star tracker

Joel Filho, University of Coimbra

07:00 - 08:52

Multi-Objective Monte Carlo Tree Search for Autonomous Space Surveillance with Utility Vector Optimization

Phuong Linh Ngo, Delft University of Technology

07:00 - 08:52

Determination Of Ajisai Spin Axis Orientation (2009–2024) Using Photometric Patterns Method

Leonid Shakun, Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University

07:00 - 08:52

Space Safety Expert Centre: Services for the SSA/STM ecosystem

Palash Patole, Astronomical Institute, University of Bern

07:00 - 08:52

Functionally-graded ceramic composite shields: micrometeoroid and orbital debris hypervelocity impact modelling

Kayleigh Fowler, The University of Edinburgh

07:00 - 08:52

Cislunar Optical Track-to-Track Correlation with an Optimal Control-based Approach

Alessia De Riz, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

Space-based optical detection sensitivity to orbtial configuration, instrument and signal processing

Hugo Veuillez, CNES

07:00 - 08:52

Performance of a network of stations dedicated to optical survey and associated services for space safety

Alexis Petit, Aldoria

07:00 - 08:52

Measuring radar cross sections of common spacecraft materials

Jessica Headstream, Amentum Services, Inc., NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

07:00 - 08:52

Improved Catalogue Build-Up and Maintenance through filtering and sensor-based maneuver detection and estimation

Pietro Russo, University of Naples "Federico II"

07:00 - 08:52

A Comprehensive Approach to Efficient Cataloguing of Manoeuvrable Satellites

Paula Díaz Morales, Deimos Space S.L.U.

07:00 - 08:52

Wild Cards on the Lunar Table: Weak Signals in Cislunar Space Traffic Dynamics

Mélusine Lebret, RAND Europe

07:00 - 08:52

Manoeuvre identification and characterization from two-line elements data

Yeerang Lim, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

Effect of Spacecraft Attitude on Meteoroid Fluence on the Mars Sample Return Micro-Meteoroid Protection System

Alan B. Jenkin, The Aerospace Corporation

07:00 - 08:52

An Accurate and Efficient Particle Filtering Method for Attitude Estimation Using Photometric Measurements

Jorge Rubio Antón, GMV Aerospace and Defence

07:00 - 08:52

Physical interactions of space debris

Jouni Peltoniemi, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute

07:00 - 08:52

A Comparison of Modelling Approaches for Satellite Brightness

Calum Turner, ESA

07:00 - 08:52

Modeling the position and velocity distribution of space objects by maximizing entropy with energy constraint.

Partha Chowdhury, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology

07:00 - 08:52

Aerodynamic Modelling in Re-Entry Analysis Based on On-Ground Free-Flight Testing within the TEMIS-DEBRIS Project

Patrick M. Seltner, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

07:00 - 08:52

Theoretical study of ENVISAT’s thermal IR light curves

Cèdre Mercier, ONERA

07:00 - 08:52

Arbitrary Zonal Harmonic Analytic Satellite Theory

Drake Gates, N/A

07:00 - 08:52

An unsupervised learning-based manoeuvre detection method for resident space object pattern of life characterisation

Riccardo Cipollone, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

Developing Probabilistic Satellite Explosion Modelling Methods for Space Debris Environment Prediction

Saskia Hawkins, ESA

07:00 - 08:52

Extraction and Analysis of Maneuvers in Starlink Satellites using Ephemeris Data

Ravindra Challa, Ansys

07:00 - 08:52

Quantifying Space Debris Risks from Government Space Activities

Yash Chandramouli, Amazon

07:00 - 08:52

Analysis of recent CZ-6A rocket upper stage fragmentations

Daniel R. Wacker, Institute of Space Systems, TU Braunschweig

07:00 - 08:52

Application of a controlled evolutionary model of the orbital population to target sustainable space utilisation

Martina Rusconi, Politecnico Di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

Launch Traffic Model for Space Debris Evolution Based on Historical Data and Economic Forecasting Methods

Wiebke Retagne, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

The Orbital Tollway Framework: A Pragmatic Approach to Sustainable Orbital Use and Space Debris Remediation

Polina Shtern, ISU

07:00 - 08:52

On the dynamical evolution of a fragmentation in the Molniya regime

Elisa Maria Alessi, IMATI-CNR

07:00 - 08:52

Trajectory-Informed Adaptive Multi-Fidelity Propagation in Cislunar Space

Cedric Petion, The University of Texas at Austin

07:00 - 08:52


M. R. Rajesh Kannan, Master Control Facility, Indian Space Research Organisation

07:00 - 08:52

Sizing an Exclusion Region Around Lunar-Surface Protected Sites for Disposal via Impact

Joseph Gangestad, The Aerospace Corporation

07:00 - 08:52

Propellant-induced Explosion Risk Assessment for Controlled Re-entries

Estelle Crouzet, ESA

07:00 - 08:52

Numerical models for aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures fragmentation

Alberto Abiti, CISAS "G. Colombo", University of Padova

07:00 - 08:52

Sierra Space LIFE® habitat: Enhanced Orbital Debris Protection with Kevlar® EXO™ CoreMatrix™

Jill Clements, DuPont Specialty Products

07:00 - 08:52

An Extreme Spacecraft Flux Algorithm for Survivability assessment under uncertain Space Debris Environment

Yuyan Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology

07:00 - 08:52


Christopher J. Cline Ii, NASA

07:00 - 08:52

Harnessing Orbital Energy with Bare Tape-Like Electrodynamic Tethers for Efficient Space Debris Mitigation

Livia Marciano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:52

Space Debris Impact Assessment for Aviation

Noelia Sánchez Ortiz, Arribes Enlightment S.L.

07:00 - 08:52


Lorenzo Tarabini Castellani, Deimos Space

07:00 - 08:52

Validation of the ESA statistical re-entry modelling tool DRAMA on ground-based optical data

Matej Zigo, Astros Solutions s.r.o.

07:00 - 08:52


Juan Gutierrez, Purdue University

07:00 - 08:52

Statistical analysis of destructive satellite re-entry uncertainties

Bahar Karahan, ESA - Institute of Space Systems (University of Stuttgart)

07:00 - 08:52

Survey and Tracking system for un-cataloged LEO objects using CMOS sensors

Toshifumi Yanagisawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

07:00 - 08:52

The Resident Space Objects Network: using complex systems for shaping space sustainability

Jerome Daquin, University of Namur

07:00 - 08:52

Improving the orbit determination performance of the TIRA system using a novel high-precision observation mode

Delphine Cerutti-maori, Fraunhofer FHR

07:00 - 08:52

Understanding The Reliability of Active Debris Removal Missions

Grace Taylor, University of Southampton

07:00 - 08:52

Exploring the Market Opportunities of ElectroDynamic Tethers for Deorbiting and Propulsion

Jesús Manuel Muñoz Tejeda, PERSEI Space

07:00 - 08:52

Technology Progress and In-orbit Demonstration of Electrodynamic Tethers in the framework of the E.T.PACK Initiative

Gonzalo Sanchez-arriaga, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:52

Accelerating ADR – A Global Referendum

Darren S. Mcknight, LEOLABS

07:00 - 08:52

Observation strategy for objects on decaying orbits

Radu G. Danescu, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

07:00 - 08:52

Space Capacity Methodologies to Rank the Risk of Orbital Regions

Andrea -. Muciaccia, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

Atmospheric Scintillation in Resident Space Object Photometry

Moritz Kuhn, Airbus Defence and Space

07:00 - 08:52

Orbital Re-Focusing of High Energy Laser Beams from Ground for Laser-Ablative Post-Mission Disposal and Debris Removal

Stefan Scharring, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

07:00 - 08:52

Co-estimation of pose and shape for unknown target in RPO missions

Daigo Kobayashi, Purdue University

07:00 - 08:52

Experimental and numerical study of hypervelocity impact on Whipple shields with varying bumper materials

Rannveig Marie Færgestad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

07:00 - 08:52

Tumbling Characterization of Resident Space Objects from Ground-based Observations

Maria Alessandra De Luca, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

Evaluation of Space Debris and Its Potential Usage for a Circular Space Economy

Beril S. Turnbull, Durham University

07:00 - 08:52

Feature Extraction for Machine Learning-based Single Photon Light Curve Classification

Nadine M. Trummer, Space Research Institute Graz

07:00 - 08:52

Attitude Observability based on Simulated Multiple Light Curve Observations from a Single Facet Target

Zhiying Wang, Technische Universität München

07:00 - 08:52

Collision Risk Estimation and Automated Mitigation

George D. Muntean, GMV Innovating Solutions

07:00 - 08:52

Multi-objective optimization of satellite deorbiting maneuvers considering collision risk

Livia Marciano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:52

RODDAS: Robust Orbit Determination and Data Association library for SSA based on GODOT

Pau Gago Padreny, GMV

07:00 - 08:52

Spacecraft Beacons: radiocommunication approaches towards interoperable autonomous self-identification and tracking

Sebastian Lange, Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)

07:00 - 08:52

ESA Zero Debris Roadmap & Implementation

Roxane Josses, European Space Agency

07:00 - 08:52

MajorTOM: Developing a tool suite to support regulation and monitoring of UK orbital risk

Samuel Diserens, UK Civil Aviation Authority

07:00 - 08:52

Assessing Growth of Hazardous Non-trackable Debris Populations in Congested Orbits

Anne A. Bennett, Northrop Grumman

07:00 - 08:52

Space Traffic Coordination Monitor

Kaarel Hanson, Guardtime

07:00 - 08:52

CMOS cameras in SST sensors: optimizing optical systems for LEO satellite tracking

Łukasz Sujka, Sybilla Technologies

07:00 - 08:52

From analysis to action: Insights and novel tool development for Space Debris Mitigation Reports

Inés M. De Chiclana Lama, European Space Agency / The Exploration Company

07:00 - 08:52

Atmospheric Densities Derived from Energy Dissipation Rate in Conjunction Data Messages

Hideaki Hinagawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

07:00 - 08:52

Application of AI techniques on optical space debris detections

Rongyu Sun, Purple Mountain Observatory

07:00 - 08:52

Estimating the Particle Size of Reentry Byproducts using Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Aluminum Atmospheric Demise

Jose Pedro Ferreira, University of Southern California

07:00 - 08:52

Performance, Navigation and Control of a Spinning Electrodynamic Tether System

Jorge Simon, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

07:00 - 08:52

Spacecraft survivability assessment in space debris environment based on debris cloud model

Baojun Pang, Harbin Institute of Technology

07:00 - 08:52

Risk assessment method for back-reflections from space debris in high-power laser ranging

Stefan Scharring, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

07:00 - 08:52

Photometric Calibration and Elevation-Dependent Atmospheric Correction in Multistatic Light Curve Analysis

Manik Reichegger, Technical University of Munich

07:00 - 08:52

First results from the Salsa Airborne Re-entry Observation Mission Campaign

Clemens Mueller, HEFDiG, Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart

07:00 - 08:52

Gaussian Mixture-Unscented Transform propagation during re-entry fragmentation for impact uncertainty quantification

Tommy Williamson, University of Strathclyde

07:00 - 08:52

Space Debris Mitigation Challenges from Different Regulatory Entities in the Design of NewSpace VHR Satellites

Pedro Prates, N3O

07:00 - 08:52

End-of-life disposal parametric analysis in cislunar space: Earth-Moon L2 escape no-return trajectories

Mathilda Bolis, DAER, Politecnico di Milano

07:00 - 08:52

First Results from the Newly Modernized San Fernando Laser Station: Commemorating 45 Years of Service

Manuel A. Sánchez Piedra, Real Observatorio de la Armada

07:00 - 08:52

In-situ Detection of Small Space Debris with the LArID concept: Breadboard verification and the path to a flight mission

Noah Ledford, Fraunhofer EMI

07:00 - 08:52

An automatically approach of space objects detection and classification

Cristian Omat, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

07:00 - 08:52

Numerical Simulations of Impact Craters Generated by Porous Solid Rocket Motor Slags

Masumi Higashide, Hosei University

07:00 - 08:52

Generalizable Bias Correction of Two-line Element Sets in the MEO and GEO Regimes

Davide Amato, Imperial College London

07:00 - 08:52

Decade of Advancement: Evaluating Multi-Party Computation Progress in Satellite Collision Avoidance

Sandhra-mirella Valdma, Cybernetica AS

07:00 - 08:52

Post-Mission Disposal Considerations for Rocket Stages

Lucía Ayala Fernández, Technische Universität Braunschweig

07:00 - 08:52

Utilization of Machine Learning for Comprehensive Identification of Low Density Thin DebriSat Fragments

Bogachan Ondes, University of Florida

07:00 - 08:52

Stratospheric Observation of Resident Space Objects Using Photometric and Infrared Sensors

Vithurshan Suthakar, York University

07:00 - 08:52

Implications of the SDM requirements on mission design, propellant budget, disposal timeline and operations

Laura Moreschi, Deimos Space for the European Space Agency

07:00 - 08:52

Quality Criterion for Orbits of in-situ Impact Detection Missions

André Saltymakov, Technische Universität Braunschweig

07:00 - 08:52

Yebes Laser Ranging Station (YLARA) - Space Debris and Satellite Observation Capabilities

Beatriz Vaquero-jiménez, Yebes Observatory (IGN/CNIG)

07:00 - 08:52

European Optical Network: Operational Services for GEO Operators

Óscar Rodriguez Fernandez, OKAPI:Orbits GmbH

07:00 - 08:52

The Debris Mitigation Facility: A unified framework for DRAMA and MASTER

Frederik Läuferts, OKAPI:Orbits GmbH

07:00 - 08:52

Tracking Radar Scheduling Optimization

Almudena Martín, GMV

07:00 - 08:52

A new large area detector for in-situ observation of small anthropogenic debris in Low Earth Orbit

Bence T. Varga, C3S LLC.

07:00 - 08:52

The Environmental Impact of Collisions with Large Space Structures: the case of Solar Power Satellites.

Pietro De Marchi, University of Strathclyde

07:00 - 08:52

SpaDeLab - Space Debris Laboratory of the University of Coimbra

Nuno Peixinho, Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

07:00 - 08:52

Space Object Database for Enhanced Collision Probability Assesment

Emma Pignacca, TU Delft

07:00 - 08:52

Opportunistic Space-Based Orbit Determination of Resident Space Objects Using the TUBIN Spacecraft

Anton J. Große Siestrup, Technische Universität Berlin

07:00 - 08:52

Update on the ISO Space Debris Mitigation Standards

Hedley Stokes, Convenor of ISO Orbital Debris Working Group

07:00 - 08:52

The Open University’s All-Axis Light Gas Gun Facility for MMSD Research

Zoe S. Emerland, The Open University